September 1, 2015–August 31, 2016

Presenting a two part exhibition at the August Wilson Center.

Project Statement

Humanæ/I AM AUGUST is a portrait-based installation featuring the faces of Pittsburghers. The exhibition is part of a global art project in several cities, including Madrid, São Paulo, Lagos, and Paris.

Humanæ is a work in progress, who intends to deploy a chromatic range of the different human skin colors. There is no previous selection of participants and there are no classifications relating to nationality, gender, social class or religion. This taxonomy adopts the format of the  PANTONE® Guide. The presentation of the range of color shades induce the viewer to reflect on one of the dual meanings containing the word identity: that associated with equality. Humanae is a color catalog in which the “primary” colors have exactly the same importance as “mixed”.

Meet the Artist
Angélica Dass

Angélica Dass is an award-winning photographer living in Madrid, Spain. Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, she is acutely aware of how small differences in skin tone can swell into large misconceptions and stereotypes about race. She is the creator of the internationally acclaimed Humanæ Project, a collection of portraits that reveal the diverse beauty of human colors. The initiative has traveled to more than 30 countries across six continents —from The World Economic Forum in Davos to the pages of National Geographic — to promote dialogue that challenges how we think about skin color and ethnic identity.

Angélica’s work transcends the museums and finds in school classrooms a great universe of work. She amplifies the educational message of Humanae through institutional collaborations around the world, such as collaborations with city councils of different cities in the Basque Country, teacher training schools in Madrid, highschools in the Czech Republic, or with UNESCO and the Government of Chile, reaching an impact of more than 50 thousand students in a week. She is also a powerful and inspiring speaker who has lectured at important organizations, such as the University of Salamanca, the University of Bologna, or the UERJ – Rio de Janeiro; as well as the International Congress of Fundraising – The Resource Alliance, at National Geographic and at the World Economic Forum, as a cultural leader.

Special Thanks

We would like to thank photographer Angélica Dass for the amazing vision and passion that brought this project to life. And to all the Pittsburghers who signed up and participated, we appreciate your tremendous outpouring of community spirit.

Installation photo of Humanae

September 1, 2015–August 31, 2016

The exhibition is now over. Thanks for joining us and supporting our artists.

See the event photos →


Opening Reception
5:30–9:00 pm

[1] August Wilson Center
980 Liberty Ave
[2] 937 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

About Magenta POP

The Magenta Foundation consistently strives to discover new and exciting ways to move art from inside traditional exhibition spaces toward less formal, and more accessible, outdoor public spaces through unexpected pop-up art installations. We believe that public art needs to be in more outdoor spaces, reaching more people and uniting artists and arts communities everywhere.

We’re always excited to work with cities and neighbourhoods to help improve public spaces. Stay tuned for much more to come and many new cities to host public art.