Introducing Magenta Foundation’s Virtual Gallery Tour Thursdays
At Magenta, we decided to help spread a little Art JOY to everyone while at home. We will be posting our Toronto community galleries installations that no one is able to see at this time. Its our way of reminding our Government how much ART MATTERS!
During this time of uncertainty the arts provide a beautiful escapism and we are proud to be part of a Visual Arts Community that contributes and celebrates artists and their work all the time.
We stand united with our community and will always do all we can do promote and stand by them. When we get back to the new normal, we hope each and everyone of you remember that during your time of isolation the ARTS, in ALL their mediums, brought you laughter, hope, and the entertainment you needed in the darkest times. Don’t forget to support them! They rely on all of us.
We are supporting them with our new initiative, Virtual Gallery Tour Thursdays, where we share on our social media including our Facebook page and our Twitter feed.
This week we are highlighting Susan Hobbs Gallery, and last week we kicked things off with the stunning work of Kristine Moran at Daniel Faria Gallery. Please follow us and give them some likes, shares and retweets to show your support!